Genre: Adventure
Published: 2023-09-27
Family: Rowena, (Mother) John Winchester, (Father) Dean Winchester, (Half-older brother), Sam Winchester, (half-older brother), and Crowley (Half-older brother)
Age: 15
Name: Amaya Lynn Winchester
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Boyfriend or girlfriend: None
Creature: Half human, half witch
Personality: Protective, loyal, smart, easily angered, strong, and tends to be reckless when hunting with Sam and Dean.
Hunting status: In-Training
Likes: Sam and Dean Winchester, Rowena, hunting, witchcraft, training when wanting to, writing, reading, typing, and love.
Dislikes: Crowley, John Winchester, the angel Castiel, hunters who want to kill her, being told no, being threatened to do something, being forced to do something, being forced to train, being forced to read, physical touch unless she does it first, and being forced to write.
Interests: Reading, writing, typing, drawing, learning new spells, annoying Sam Dean and Crowley, listening to rock music, dancing, and sleeping in.
Friends with: Sam and Dean Winchester, Rowena, and Bobby
Enemies with: John Winchester, Crowley, and The angel Castiel
More active during: Nighttime
Favorite time of day: Midnight and sunrise
Theme song: who is she? By I monster
First appears in the episode: ‘In My Time of Dying’
Last episode appearance: ‘Carry On’
Catchphrase: ‘Looks like a storm is coming, people.’
Powers: Mind control, spirit imprisonment, telepathy, telekinesis, emotion control, element control, witchcraft, and superhuman abilities.
Price: free
Rating: 0 stars - unrated (0 votes)
Has been read 6 times.
Currently being read by 1 person.