Welcome to the Interactive Story Help Forum
Hey, just a question, is there a way to export the story xml and transform it in a stand-alone app? Like, an android app? Sorry for the stupid question, I'm not a programmer and all this thing about making a mobile app from any kind of IDE is quite difficult for me.
You can save stories to your local storage device in two ways:
1) via the Library - when reading a story select the 'Menu' button and then select 'Save to file'.
2) via the Editor - while editing select 'Save story' and then select 'Export'.
There is a stand-alone android app - just search "netplay interactive story' in the Play store or go to:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … estory.app
To load a story from storage, from the main menu select 'Write a story' and then select 'Import'.