Interactive Story

It may be possible the escape sequence of the apostraphe is being processed at some stage during your cut and paste.  In the XML data the apostrophe should be represented with the following sequence '  For example don't would become don't    If this sequence has been altered back to an apostrophe, then it will corrupt your import.

Interactive Story

Hello Zoe,

If this is happening in test mode then it may be possible the action has been considered done and has been removed from the list of options. In the editor click on the action and towards the bottom uncheck 'Do action once only'.  This should clear the condition.

Interactive Story

Try the following:

Log in to Interactive Story on the device you want to refresh.

Go to the Library and select the title from the "My Reading List" genre.

Click on the X next to the "titles" selection - this will remove the 'currently reading' version from your device.

Go to the "my published stories" genre and re-open the story.

Interactive Story

All action requirements must be true for the action to become available to the reader.  Logical interpretation of  [and] / [or] is applied sequentially from left to right in the requirement statement (which is different to computer languages that give priority to [and] over [or]).

[have] will be true if the selected item is in the readers inventory. [not have] will be true if the item is not in the readers inventory.

[done] will be true if the nominated action has been performed / selected by the reader. [not done] is true if the nominated action has not been performed / selected by the reader.

Make sure your requirement logic is not mutually exclusive (one requirement becomes true when the other is false and vice versa).  If your requirement logic is becoming complex, then try breaking the scene up into smaller events.

Interactive Story

Ok - quite a lot to answer here smile  First up you can edit any event, description, action or outcome by clicking / touching the appropriate text. IS will automatically allow you to re-edit the text.

There are several ways to navigate the progression of your story:

U edit previous event

This will rewind to the last action tested / edited

H edit history

This will allow you to rewind directly back to the selected scene and action.

G goto scene

Will allow you to directly edit a scene without losing the narrative flow.

The availability of actions to the reader is dictated by events and scenes.  Try to structure your story so that each area or outcome has it's own scene or event.

Interactive Story

The 'IS Examples' genre demonstrates the basic features of the story editor. Loading the stories into the editor should give you a general idea on how to start. Feel free to ask any questions in this forum with regards to authoring a story.

Interactive Story

Other readers can only export to the editor if you enable this feature when publishing. Make sure the 'Allow export to editor' option is not selected (default) if you do not want others to edit your story. You can always load your own stories into the editor via the 'My published stories' genre using the 'Retrieve' button.

Interactive Story

There is a lockout feature. When publishing there is an option 'Allow export to editor' that allows loading your story into the editor. Make sure this option is not selected (default) if you do not want this feature. IS will acknowledge the original author when editing is allowed.

Interactive Story

You can delete your story as follows:

Log in to Interactive Story and from the main menu select 'Browse the library'.

Select 'My Published Stories' as the Genre and select the story you wish to delete from the Titles list.

Click on the X next to the selected title and follow the prompts.

Interactive Story

No.  Interactive Story does not support this feature.  Stored user input was not part of the original design, however if I can find an elegant way to support this feature, then I will let you know.

Interactive Story

You can save stories to your local storage device in two ways:

1) via the Library - when reading a story select the 'Menu' button and then select 'Save to file'.

2) via the Editor - while editing select 'Save story' and then select 'Export'.

There is a stand-alone android app - just search "netplay interactive story' in the Play store or go to: …

To load a story from storage, from the main menu select 'Write a story' and then select 'Import'.

Interactive Story
Replies: 1

This version adds an interactive Storyboard to the editor.  The storyboard view provides an interactive network visualization of scenes, events and actions plus item interactions.  The storyboard view makes it easy to follow the flow of your narrative and to easily navigate between scenes.

Interactive Story

Thank you for your comments Eurobeat, it is greatly appreciated. I do have plans to improve the Library user interface and definitely keep Interactive Story alive.



Interactive Story

No apologies necessary - it does sound like an issue. Thanks for the extra information - it will help me to figure out why this happened.

Interactive Story

Interactive Story doesn't automatically update the stories in your reading list - this is by design, if you are half way through playing a story, then an update may break your bookmarks and / or alter the logical flow of the narration. To read the latest published version of your story do the following: Log into the Library and from the Genre category select "My Reading List". Then select your story from the offered Titles. Tap on the "X" next to the title to remove the story from your reading list (and your device). You can then browse the Library as usual and download your most recent published version of the story.

Interactive Story

Hi Mikael53, I've not been able to reproduce this problem. Does it occur whilst editing a particular story or for all stories?

Interactive Story
Replies: 0

New Features

Compatability updates for latest Android devices including import / export of story data and adding images.

Stories rated as 'Mature' now require age verification.

Interactive Story

Most probably your browser has cached the older version for download - try clearing the download or file cache for your browser: Chrome example. Let me know if this resolves the issue.

Interactive Story

So would I  smile Google temporarily disabled the Interactive Story app until I declared if it was primarily child directed (COPPA). I declared that it wasn't (although there is a childrens only section in the library) which was fine, however I was then knocked back for violating the Google Play Developer Program Policies - even though no changes have been made to the app in the last three years? I am currently trying to contact Google to find out exactly what the violation is - however getting a response is seeming to be difficult. I suspect it may be the link to the YouTube tutorial video which I really don't want to remove. Hopefully I can get the app re-listed again soon.

Interactive Story

When using Save this story - Export - Save to file, it should save directly to the download folder as an xml document. Have you run out of storage space on the device?

Interactive Story

Thankyou Sojeph for your comments, they are greatly appreciated.  Images can be stored in xml using base64 encoding, however I am aware this feature appears to be broken on some browsers / platforms.  I am actually considering removing images altogether - with the exception of a cover image for your story.

Font and text color are a great suggestion, I will add this to the todo list.

I've not done an update for a while due to other projects, however I will try to get another update out soon.

Thanks again for the feedback.

Interactive Story

Thanks for reporting this.  Priivate links should now be working.

Interactive Story


IS can now support multiple languages via the Google translate option, so feel free to write in any language - thanks Google smile